5 ways to practice self-care this Valentine's Day

What better time to practice self-care then Valentine’s Day? See below for our 5 tips to create a relaxing day, with focus on giving yourself some much needed ‘me time’.

1. Start your day right. Stretching or practicing Yoga in the morning this Valentine’s Day will benefit both your body and mind. Stretch out your muscles and release any tension or stress you have been holding onto, while also taking deep breaths and clearing your head. Not sure where to start? A quick YouTube search for a 10-minute morning yoga routine is a great place to begin! Even 10 short minutes of focus on you will have lasting benefits for the rest of the day.

2. Make or order your favourite food. With Lockdown still in full swing, dining out is out of the question. Why not make your own version of your favourite restaurant meal? The act of preparing, cooking and eating your own food creations comes with a sense of accomplishment that will leave you feeling good. But there is always the takeaway menu too.

3. Do something that makes you happy. This might be picking up that book you haven’t quite had the chance to finish or watching your favourite film for the 390284th You deserve some down-time without the feeling of guilt creeping in. Try not to let your mind wander to other things that may cause you stress but instead focus your energy on your chosen activity. Enjoy yourself!

4. Practice self-care. Whether this takes the shape of a long, hot full body shower or taking those extra 10 minutes to do your extended skincare routine, we promise it will have you feeling good from the inside out. For your shower, why not use one of our signature scented shower gels which promise an aromatherapeutic experience, helping you clear your mind while cleaning your skin.

For skincare, take time to connect your mind to the action of applying the product, rubbing it into the skin slowly or washing it off gently. You can shop our full range of skincare below to complete your ultimate self-care routine.

5. Fresh Air. It can be all too easy to want to stay inside, especially during these colder months. But taking a long or short walk can make all the difference. Not only does it get your body moving, but it may act as a source of clarity. A walk could provide you with that much needed big idea, help you organise some confusing thoughts, or put problems you’re facing into perspective. Taking in the scenery and nature around you too, can never be a bad thing.